As the holidays bring joy and celebration, we’re also preparing for a special milestone. On January 2nd, 2025, the SCRUM programming language turns 2 years old!
Inspired by agile methodologies, SCRUM brings a fresh approach to programming, emphasizing iterative and collaborative development. To celebrate this milestone, we’re excited to announce the release of v1.2.0, featuring key updates to keep SCRUM at the forefront of innovation.
What’s New in v1.2.0?
- Upgraded dependencies and plugins to Java 21 LTS:
- Experience the latest long-term support version for improved performance and modern features
- Ensuring compatibility, security, and access to the latest tools
As we look back on the past two years, we’re grateful for the incredible support from contributors and the developer community. Your feedback and creativity continue to drive SCRUM forward.
Start the new year by exploring the latest release, and join us in celebrating two years of agile-inspired programming! Here’s to many more milestones ahead!